Sunday, 26 August 2012

10% Of Oil Revenue To Finance Education

Education is the key  to success which help in the development  of the country. This  has prompted the Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition (GNECC) a network of civil society organizations, professional grouping and practitioners interested in promoting quality basic education to advocate on financing education, one  goal education for all in Accra.

Kofi Asare  of the Ghana National Educational Campaign Coalition in a presentation said, Ghana has ratified the following international instrument: UN covenant on social , economic and cultural Rights Education of all (Dakar 2000),millennium declaration and AU protocols on basic education. He said the GNECC targets 100% primary enrolment and Junior High Senior completion respectively and 1:1 gender parity by 2015.

He said the national budget financing for 2009 was (31%), basic education receives about (50%) of the total educational budget which recurrent (80%).financing a gap of about $500,000,000 and that the District  Assemblies are primarily responsible for building schools, however inadequate District Assembly Common Fund (DACF) limit that function and over 90% are account for local revenue.

He stated that, financial crises causing expenditure in education especially in the LDC’s district primary’s reducing budgetary support to education which makes GETFUND over stretched making the basic education a non priority.
He said, about 3,900 schools are under trees, about 4,000 schools are under sheds, about 16,000 schools are without toilet facilities and 800,000 children are out of school.

He noted that, Government  Of Ghana (GOG) estimates 1 Billon US$ a year from the oil revenue and 10% of this 1 Billion can build 1,250 fully furnished basic schools at a per capita cost of $75,000 US dollars which will tend to eliminate schools under trees and shed in five years and all other factors remaining.

He finally  said, the  Ghana National Campaign Coalition (GNECC) will promote and facilitate processes that will ensure equality in access to free quality education for all.  

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